It was sitting at a recent wedding that the inspiration struck Niki Schrader. She was looking at the bridal party and realized that she didn’t know any of the people. She didn’t know their names or how they knew the couple. She didn’t know where the bride got her dress or what music was being played. She harkened back to the day when a wedding program would tell guests such things. She understood that they were a considerable waste of paper but wished there was a better way. Then she realized, why not just put the program on the phone?
Guru New Media worked with Niki to develop that simple idea into the ItsAGibbon online program product. This product helps people communicate important things about events to the event-goers – all on their mobile phone. In addition to weddings, these Gibbons have found a great audience in high school sports teams and clubs.
Guru New Media worked with Niki and her team to create a platform where non-technical folks could sign up and pay for their Gibbons, create content, set schedules, manage home and opponent rosters, and sell and manage advertising. The product then displays on hundreds of fans phones with a very small file size for fast load times and low server loads. This is a simple looking product with a LOT going on under the hood and a lot of potential for future growth.